Background Reading for Running YCIDS
For the pilot study, the Child Consultant team at the CatholicCare pilot sites did quite a lot of prior reading and preparation. The reading covered core developmental research and related divorce literature. Two half day discussion groups were held after all practitioners had completed the reading program, to share perceptions. Two full days were then spent in training in presenting the YCIDS program. The need for the latter preparation is now obfuscated by the online program, which already has the narration in place. We do strongly recommend that all practitioners intending to use YCIDS as an intervention view the program a few times, do the prior recommended reading and spend some time considering the ways in which they may adapt materials to suit individual cases or group contexts.
- The Zero to Three website. Aside from being a good place to brush up on aspects of early emotional development, it has a number of PDFs that can be given to parents, to support their learning. The Zero to Three definition of infant mental health is particularly useful.
- Watch, Wait and Wonder website. This intervention is referred to in the YCIDS program. You can watch a small example of the intervention here, and check the full site for further details.
- Circle of Security. This program and the ever popular Circle itself is referred to in the YCIDS program. Multiple resources and relevant training options for professionals can be found at the main site.
Much of the thinking about parenting plans behind YCIDS was utilized in these tandem papers, which should be read together:
- McIntosh, J.E., Pruett. M., Kelly, J.B. (2014). Parental separation and overnight care of young children, part II: Putting theory into practice. Family Court Review, 52(2), 257–263.
- Pruett. M., McIntosh, J.E., Kelly, J.B. (2014). Parental separation and overnight care of young children, part I: Consensus through theoretical and empirical integration. Family Court Review, 52(2), 241–256.
The reference lists in the above papers are a good guide to further reading. In addition, there are several interviews from the Family Court Review Attachment Collection, which help ground you in some of the developmental and neuro-science aspects of the program.
McIntosh, J. (2011). Attachment, separation and divorce: Forging coherent understandings for family law: Guest editor’s introduction. Family Court Review, 49.
Sroufe, A., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Divorce and attachment relationships: The longitudinal journey. Family Court Review, 49.
Lieberman, A., Zeanah, C., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Attachment perspectives on domestic violence and family law. Family Court Review, 49.
Waters, E., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Are we asking the right questions about attachment theory and family law? Family Court Review, 49.
Siegel, D., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Family law and the neuroscience of attachment, part II. Family Court Review, 49.
Schore, A., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Family law and the neuroscience of attachment, part I. Family Court Review, 49.

Young Children in Divorce & Separation