Journal Articles
McLean, S. Booth. A., Schnabel, A., Wright, B. and McIntosh, J.E. (2021). Exploring the efficacy of telehealth for family therapy through systematic, meta-analytic and qualitative evidence. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.
Jessica E. Opie, Jennifer E. McIntosh , Timothy B. Esler , Robbie Duschinsky, Carol George , Allan Schore , Emily J. Kothe, Evelyn S. Tan , Christopher J. Greenwood & Craig A. Olsson (2020): Early childhood attachment stability and change: A meta-analysis, Attachment &Human Development, DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2020.1800769
McIntosh, J. E., Tan, E. S., Greenwood, C., Lee, J., & Holtzworth-Munroe, A. (2021). Profiling mother and father reports of safety risks in a postseparation cohort. Psychology of Violence, 11(1), 61–71.
Letcher,P., Greenwood,C., Romaniuk,H., Spry,E., Macdonald,J.A., McAnally,H., Thomson, K.C., Youssef, G., Hutchinson, D., McIntosh, J., Sanson,A., Ryan, J., Edwards, B., Sligo, J., Hancox, R.J., Patton, G.C., Olsson, C.A. (2020) Adolescent and young adult mental health problems and infant offspring behavior: Findings from a prospective intergenerational cohort study, Journal of Affective Disorders. Online April 29, 2020.
McIntosh, J.E., Schnabel, A., Youssef, G., Olsson, C. (2020). Pre-conception and perinatal predictors of offspring attachment disorganization: Advancing the replicated evidence. Development & Psychopathology, April 17:1-12.
McIntosh, J. E., Tan, E. S., Levendosky, A. A., & Holtzworth-Munroe, A. (2019). Mothers’ Experience of Intimate Partner Violence and Subsequent Offspring Attachment Security Ages 1–5 Years: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
Le Bas, G., Macdonald, J., McIntosh, J., Olsson, C., Greenwood, C., Hutchinson, C. (2019). The Role of Antenatal and Postnatal Maternal Bonding in Infant Development: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Social Development.
O’Connor,M, Chong,S., Hutchinson, D, Sanson, A, McIntosh, JE, Olsson, CA, Goldfeld, S. (2019). Socioeconomic Disadvantage in Infancy and Academic and Self-Regulation Outcomes. Pediatrics, May 14 (5) e20182640; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2018-2640
Spry, E, Moreno-Betancur, M, Becker, D, Romaniuk, H, Carlin, J.B., Molyneaux, E, Howard, LM, Ryan, J, Letcher, P, McIntosh, JE, Macdonald, JA, Greenwood, CJ, Thomson, KC, McAnally, H, Hancox, R, Hutchinson, DM, Youssef, GJ, Olsson, CA and Patton, GC (2019). Maternal mental health and infant emotional reactivity: a 20-year two-cohort study of preconception and perinatal exposures, Psychological Medicine, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.1017/S0033291719000709.
Maud, C., Ryan, J. McIntosh J.E., & Olsson, C.A. (2018) The role of Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) DNA methylation in human behaviour: a review of the studies to date and future directions. BMC Psychiatry. May 29;18(1):154. doi: 10.1186/s12888-018-1740-9.
Wells, Y., Lee. J. & McIntosh, J.E. (2018). Re-examination of the Family Law DOORS Risk Screen: Establishing Fitness for Purpose. Psychological Assessment. Aug;30(8):1121-1126. doi: 10.1037/pas000058
Tan, E.S., McIntosh, J.E., Kothe, E.J., Opie, J.E., & Olsson, C.A. Couple relationship quality and offspring attachment security: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2018). Attachment and Human Development. Aug;20(4):349-377 doi: 10.1080/14616734.2017.1401651.
McIntosh, J.E. & Tan, E.S. (2017). Young Children in Divorce and Separation. Pilot Study of a Mediation based Parent Education Program. Family Court Review. Vol 55, 3. DOI: 10.1111/fcre.12291
McIntosh, J.E., Wells, Y., & Lee, J. (2016). The development and validation of the Family Law DOORS. Psychological Assessment. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., Smyth, B.M., & Kelaher, M.A. (2015). Responding to concerns about a study of infant overnight care postseparation, with comments on consensus: Reply to Warshak (2014). Psychology, public policy, and law, 21(1), 111-119. Click here
Sadowski, C., & McIntosh, J.E. (2015). On laughter and loss: Children’s reports of parenting behaviors that enable security in shared-time living arrangements. Childhood, 23(1), 69-86. Click here
Sadowski, C., & McIntosh, J.E. (2015). A Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Security and Contentment for Latency Aged Children in Shared-time Parenting Arrangements. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 46(1), 69–104. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., (2014). The care of very young children after separation. In Psych, December. The Australian Psychological Society. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., Pruett. M., & Kelly, J.B. (2014). Parental separation and overnight care of young children, Part II: Putting theory into practice. Family Court Review. 52(2), 257–263. Click here
Pruett. M., McIntosh, J.E., & Kelly, J.B. (2014). Parental separation and overnight care of young children: Consensus through theoretical and empirical integration: Part I. Family Court Review, 52(2), 241–256. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., Smyth, B., & Kelaher, M. (2013). Overnight care patterns following parental separation: Associations with emotion regulation in infants and young children. Journal of Family Studies, 19(3), 224-239. Click here
McIntosh, J.E. (2012). Reviewing the opportunities: Guest Editor’s replies to comments. Family Court Review, 50(3), 496–501. Click here
Bowlby, R., & McIntosh, J. (2011). John Bowlby’s legacy and meanings for the family law field: In conversation with Sir Richard Bowlby. Family Court Review, 49(3), 549-556. Click here
Bretherton, I., Seligman, S., Solomon, J., Crowell, J., & McIntosh, J. (2011). “If I could tell the judge something about attachment”: Perspectives on attachment theory in the family law courtroom. Family Court Review, 49(3), 539-548. Click here
Lieberman, A., Zeanah, C., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Attachment perspectives on domestic violence and family law. Family Court Review, 49(3), 529-538. Click here
George, C., Solomon, J., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Divorce in the nursery: On infants and overnight care. Family Court Review, 49(3), 521-528. Click here
Siegel, D., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Family law and the neuroscience of attachment, part II. Family Court Review, 49(3), 513-520. Click here
Schore, A., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Family law and the neuroscience of attachment, part I. Family Court Review, 49(3), 501-512. Click here
Waters, E., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Are we asking the right questions about attachment theory and family law? Family Court Review, 49(3), 474-482. Click here
Sroufe, A., & McIntosh, J. (2011). Divorce and attachment relationships: The longitudinal journey. Family Court Review, 49(3), 464-473. Click here
McIntosh, J. (2011). Attachment, separation and divorce: Forging coherent understandings for family law: Guest editor’s introduction. Family Court Review, 49(3), 418-425. Click here
McIntosh, J., Smyth, B., Kelaher, M., Wells, Y., & Long, C. (2011). Post-separation parenting arrangements: Patterns and developmental outcomes. Studies of two risk groups. Family Matters, 86, 40-48. Click here
McIntosh, J. (2010). Children’s responses to separation and conflict. Every Child, 16(2), 14-15. Click here
McIntosh, J. (2009). Legislating for shared parenting. Exploring some underlying assumptions. Family Court Review, 47(3), 389-400. Click here
McIntosh, J.E. & Chisholm, R. (2008). Cautionary notes on the shared care of children in conflicted parental separations. Journal of Family Studies. 14(1), 37-52. Click here
McIntosh, J.E. & Chisholm, R. (2008). Shared care and children’s best interests in conflicted separation. A cautionary tale from current research. Australian Family Lawyer, 20(1), 3-16.
McIntosh, J.E. (2008). Special Issue: Including children in family law proceedings – international perspectives. Introduction by special guest editor. Family Court Review, 46(1), 37-38. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., Bryant, D., & Murray, K. (2008). Evidence of a different nature: the child responsive and less adversarial initiatives of the Family Court of Australia. Family Court Review, 46(1), 125-136. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., Wells, Y.D., Smyth, B.M., & Long, C.M. (2008). Child-focused and child-inclusive divorce mediation: comparative outcomes from a prospective study of postseparation adjustment. Family Court Review, 46(1), 105-124. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., Wells, Y.D. & Long, C.M. (2007). Child Focused and Child Inclusive Family Law Dispute Resolution. One year findings from a prospective study of outcomes. Journal of Family Studies, 13(1), 8-25. Click here
McIntosh, J. & Long, C. (2005). Current findings on Australian children in post-separation disputes: Outer conflict, inner discord. Journal of Family Studies, 11(1), 99-109. Click here
McIntosh, J.E., Long, C.M., & Moloney, L. (2004). Child-focused and child-inclusive mediation: A comparative study of outcomes. Journal of Family Studies, 10(1), 87-96. Click here
Moloney, L., & McIntosh, J. (2004). Child responsive practices in Australian Family Law: Past problems and future directions. Journal of Family Studies, 10(1), 71-86. Click here
Grimes, A., & McIntosh, J. (2004). Emerging practice issues in child inclusive divorce mediation. Journal of Family Studies, 10(1), 113-120. Click here
McIntosh, J. (2003). Children living with domestic violence: Research foundations for early intervention. Journal of Family Studies, 9(2), 201-218. Click here
McIntosh, J. (2003). Entrenched conflict in parental separation: Pathways of impact on child development. Journal of Family Studies, 9(1), 63-80. Click here
McIntosh, J., & Deacon-Wood, H. (2003). Group interventions for separated parents in entrenched conflict: An exploration of evidence-based frameworks. Journal of Family Studies, 9(2), 187-199. Click here
McIntosh, J. (2002). Thought in the face of violence: a child’s need. Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal, 26, 229-241. Click here
McIntosh, J. (2000). Child Inclusive Divorce Mediation: Report on a qualitative research study. Mediation Quarterly, 18, 55-70. Click here
McIntosh, J. (1999). Therapeutic transitions in out of home care. Children Australia, 26(4).
McIntosh, J. (1993). The Family Functioning Scale: Lessons from a three year demonstration project. Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Human Services, May. Click here
McIntosh, J. (1992). Marrying research and casework: The development of an evaluation model in a family support service. Australian Journal of Social Work, 44(4), 53-58. Click here
McIntosh, J., Smyth B,. Kelaher, M., Wells, Y., & Long, C. (2010).
Post-separation parenting arrangements: Patterns and developmental outcomes for infants and children. Collected reports.
Three reports prepared for the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
Click here to download a soft copy of this report
McIntosh, J., & Long, C. (2009).
Children Beyond Dispute. A four year follow up study of outcomes from Child Focused and Child Inclusive post-separation family dispute resolution.
Report to the Australian Government Attorney General’s Department, Canberra.
McIntosh, J.E. (2006).
Children’s Cases Pilot Project: An exploratory study of impacts on parenting capacity and child well-being.
Final Report to the Family Court of Australia.
McIntosh,J.E., & Long, C.M. (2006).
Children beyond dispute: A prospective study of outcomes from child focused and child inclusive post-separation family dispute resolution. Final report.
The Australian Government Attorney General’s Department, Canberra.
McIntosh, J. (2005).
Because it’s for the kids: Building a secure parenting base after separation.
Publication of the Children in Focus Program, La Trobe University
For the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department.
McIntosh, J. with Strategic Partners (1999).
Contact Services in Australia. Research and Evaluation Report.
For Legal Aid and Family Services, Attorney General’s Deptartment, Canberra.
McIntosh, J. with Strategic Partners (1999).
Child focussed family and child mediation and counselling. Research and evaluation report.
For Legal Aid and Family Services, Attorney General’s Deptartment, Canberra.
Book Chapters
McIntosh, J.E., & Smyth, B. (2012).
Shared-time parenting and risk: An evidence based matrix.
In K. Kuehnle & L. Drozd (Eds.), Parenting plan evaluations: Applied research for the Family Court.
New York: Oxford University Press.
McIntosh, J. (2008).
More than a question of safety. Assessing attachment disorganisation and protective capacity in high risk parent-infant dyads.
In A. Sved-Williams and V. Cowling (Eds), Infants of parents with mental illness.
Australian Academic Press.
McIntosh, J.E. (2015).
A child’s best interests within parental conflict.
Plenary address to the 3rd Family Justice Practice Forum, Singapore, October 1, 2015.
McIntosh, J., Tan, S., & Bolt, B. (2014).
Young Children in Divorce and Separation (YCIDS). Piloting A New FDR Intervention.
Presented at National Mediation Conference in September 2014.
McIntosh, J., & George, C. (2012).
Divorce in the nursery: Achieving attachment security for infants in a family law context (Part I & II).
Presented at Sydney seminar in August 2012.
McIntosh, J. (2012).
Plenary paper
Presented at AFCC 49th Annual Conference, Chicago.
McIntosh, J.E. (2011).
Special considerations for infants and toddlers in separation/divorce: Developmental issues in the family law context.
McIntosh, J.E., Bourke, S., Dour, N., & Gridley, H. (2009).
Parenting after separation.
Position statement prepared for The Australian Psychological Society. Melbourne
McIntosh, J. (2007).
Child inclusion as a principle and as evidence-based practice: Applications to family law services and related sectors.
AFRC Issues Paper No. 1
McIntosh, J., & Moloney, L. (2002).
Child Inclusive primary dispute resolution. Clinical Demonstrations.
Centre for Online & Multimedia Educational Technologies, La Trobe University, Melbourne.
McIntosh, J. (2000).
Thought in the Face of Violence: A Child’s Need.
Keynote address in Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (Ed.) National forum: the way forward: children young people and domestic violence: Proceedings. Melbourne, 26 and 27 April
Office of the Status of Women, Canberra.
McIntosh, J. (1997).
Promoting well-being in child development.
Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, Melbourne.
McIntosh, J. (1996).
A phenomenology of attachment and its felt absence for multiply placed foster children.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation. University of Melbourne.
McIntosh, J. (1990).
Final Evaluation Paper: A Study of Growth and Change.
The Children’s Protection Society, Melbourne.
McIntosh, J. & Green, L. (1990).
HUGS- a Parent-Child Interaction Program.
Children Australia, 15, December.
Child Inclusive Mediation
Child inclusive mediation or post-separation counseling with separated parents represents and embraces many things we now know to be important to family adjustment after parental separation.