Running YCIDS
In response to the pilot feedback, the YCIDS materials were further adapted for online presentation. Narration of the materials is conducted by the author, Professor Jennifer McIntosh. Parents can work at their own pace, for their own general knowledge purposes. YCIDS can also be assigned as an education intervention to complete ahead of mediation sessions or court dates. The program contains a series of questions which help guide the creation of a sound parenting plan. When both parents have completed YCIDS, they can approach mediation or court processes on the ‘same page’ about early development. The YCIDS educational intervention is based on a set of slides, narrated by Professor Jennifer McIntosh. If you haven’t already, view the preview and review the program outline here.
YCIDS is designed for flexible use. There are several presentation options:
- Parents can complete the program on their own at home, online, in about 90 minutes, prior to your session. (You could also set up a quiet space in your service for parents to use). Then, you are free to use your face-to-face and billable time to elaborate and discuss. Clients can bring along their completed YCIDS questions to the session, you can compare parent’s responses, and promote a child focused discussion about the parenting agreement.
- Mediation, counselling or legal practitioners can facilitate the YCIDS intervention, in person. You can show selected segments of the program, to tailor it to the needs of your clients within their mediation/counselling. A guide to discussion points for YCIDS is provided here.
- Group leaders can show the YCIDS program and adapt the materials for use in education groups. You can show the program in its entirety to groups or parent dyads, using the discussion points for elaboration, over one or two sessions. The program runs for about 90 minutes, and discussion can be tailored to fit your time. A guide to discussion points for YCIDS is provided here.
In either individual or group presentations, you can turn the narration off if you prefer, and guide the presentation yourself.
Some helpful notes…
Whatever format you choose to run YCIDS in person, the following ideas for presentation style may be helpful:
- YCIDS is all about supported reflection. Everything you do should facilitate that.
- Presentation that is engaging, educative, supportive, respectful and consultative will help.
- Support parents to share and feel safe to talk about uncertainties and questions.
- YCIDS does not make assumptions or offer recipes/formulas about “what is right” for a child of various ages. It is important to ensure your presentation is in keeping with this.
- Attend to the unique nature of each family.
- Pace the flow and amount of information relevant to each parent.
- Ensure that if parents are viewing the program together, they are able to listen and absorb. Some separated parents are likely to better attend if viewing on their own. Allowing parents to express a preference for how they want to complete the YCIDS program works well. It goes without saying that dyadic use of YCIDS must first follow risk appraisal.

YCIDS Resources